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Dannible/McKee and Associates, Ltd. has prepared this web site to present only general information. This web site is not intended as accounting or tax advice, nor should you consider it as such. You should not act, or decline to act, based upon the contents of this web site. While we try to make sure that the information on our web site is complete and accurate, laws can change quickly.
We welcome your calls, letters and e-mails, but please keep in mind that merely contacting Dannible/McKee and Associates, Ltd. does not establish a client relationship between us, nor do we undertake any obligation to respond simply because you have contacted us. Before we can accept any new clients, our professional obligations require that we determine whether there are any actual or potential conflicts with existing or former clients. Thus, absent express notification from us, you cannot assume that a client relationship exists.
DISCLOSURE – Any accounting or tax advice contained in this web site (including any attachments) is intended to communicate general information for discussion purposes only, and therefore such information should not be relied on as professional accounting or tax advice.
This web site contains links to other web sites on the internet. These links are for convenience and information purposes only. Dannible/McKee and Associates, Ltd. cannot and does not endorse, recommend, sponsor or review the accuracy of the information, products or services contained in those web sites.