Benchmarking/ Financial Analysis
Most design firms today find that an independent, detailed review and analysis of their operations is an invaluable tool in maximizing profitability and planning for the future. By analyzing key financial ratios, comparing the results with peer firms in the industry and observing trends over a representative period, principals are enabled to make key decisions and implement the proper strategies to continue to grow and expand their design practices.
At Dannible/McKee and Associates, our financial analysis services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of firms in the A/E industry. They range from a high-level performance review based on key industry ratios and metrics that drive profitability and value, to detailed account-level analysis and accounting system structure. We offer financial analysis and industry benchmarking to provide firms with insight as to their strengths and weaknesses and to provide information owners need to properly manage their firms for profitability.
We also consult with firms who are implementing or upgrading their accounting and project management software to ensure that the accounting system accurately captures and reports key financial data to management. We offer on-site training and education seminars to assist project managers and associates in pricing, budgeting and managing projects for profitability.
Whether you are a small civil engineering firm in need of accounting system design services or a national architectural firm in need of independent strategic financial analysis, do not hesitate to contact us.